Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back to school...

I hope you don't mind this crafty break!  Today is the:

Is it just me, or does the first day of school really mark the end of summer?  Morning came earlier than usual today, and was much more of a bustle-y affair – we’d gotten used to staying in our pj’s until at least 9am… 

Sending Sofia on that big yellow bus was almost as nerve-wrecking as it was last year for kindergarten.  She still looked so tiny climbing those steps with her too-big backpack.   I know that she’s lost a few friends to other schools, and I pray that she finds some familiar faces in the "big-kid" schoolyard…

 Thomas starts his second year of pre-school, but with a new teacher.  He had a hard time at the end of last year, and I’m hoping that school is a happy place for him this time around.  But when no one is looking, I'm probably going to have to sneak a hug to his last year's teacher - I love her so!

Appropriately enough, my devotion this morning was about New Beginnings.  Going back to school is always a time of new things and fresh beginnings.
I’m so thankful that God gives us this new, fresh start each and every day.  There’s an old hymn that I love:

Great is thy faithfulness!  
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed they hand hath provided;
Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

ps, thank you to the big, giant, fabulous apple from Winners' fall decor section for making this mini-photo session possible :)


  1. I want you to know that half the reason I tore through this post was to find out WHAT THE DEVIL THAT HULK-APPLE WAS. O_O

  2. What a sweet post. Your kids are darling, and I'm sure they will love school.

  3. Cute post! I hope everyone has a great school year! :)

  4. Those are the best back to school photos!
    Hope they had a great first day and fabulous year!

  5. love your little photo shoot!! so cute! hope they had a great day!

  6. I love your photos, they are too cute with that big apple. I hope you kids have great school years!

  7. AWESOME photo shoot----so creative, and your kiddos are super cute!!!

  8. Love the photos! I want to get that apple for my classroom!!!! Did they have more?? Glad the girls are in the same class. Blessings for a great year for them!!
