Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Donuts and coffee and a giveaway

This is my 2nd post today! If you're looking for Lawn Fawn flamingos, scroll down or click *here*

I am so excited to share 2 other sets that I designed for Neat and Tangled's May release. The donut images may be familiar, if you've followed my blog for any length of time. Last year, I threw my kids a donut-themed birthday party that looked like this:

Since then, I dreamed of having these images in stamp form. I tweaked the images a bit so that they worked for card-making, and I hope you love Say Yes To Donuts as much as I do:

I made a main donut boy and a main donut girl. I like to think of myself as an equal opportunity stamp designer. haha. I hate having nothing to use for boy cards! And then, there are the extra heads that could peek out from behind the sides of the donut, or drape over the top. I think it would be totally fun to use the birthday hats from Big Top Birthday on these little guys.

I also worked on a separate, 3x4 set (my first mini set!) to bring you what I love best with my donuts: COFFEE. Big Bold Brew features the boy holding his giant mug of coffee, and a mix of fun (and I hope fresh) coffee-themed sentiments.

I thought I would make a simple card showing how the 2 sets could work together:

donuts and coffee

I really did draw them to work together, aren't they cute? I love his giant mug, and how the coffee is spilling out. 

donuts and coffee

The hardest thing about designing coffee and donut sets? Coming up with some fresh sentiment ideas! I hope you like some of the ones I picked. 

Before you go, I am doing a giveaway for a copy of the Say Yes To Donuts stamp set. Leave me a comment on this post and tell me what you think of these new sets! I'll announce the winner on Friday morning's post. 

Now hop over to the NT blog to see what the rest of the DT made - click!


  1. I SUPER love your sets Elena!!!!!!
    Such a cutie pie card!

  2. OH, so cute!!! I just love your sets!! Can't decide if the donut one or the coffee one is my favorite, though!

  3. I love donuts!!! For Mothersday my children gave me 5 delicious donuts with different toppings! And that's so funny about these stampsets. With color pencils you can give te donuts your most lovely topping...! And about the coffee mug: my husband drinks coffee during the whole day. It's a pergect set to make a card for my husband! The sentiments of that set are perfect for such a kind of card!

  4. Fun & sweet and adorably illustrated!

  5. Oh my gosh these guys are just too stinkin' cute for words!! LOVE your coloring on this! :)

  6. Adorable.. i always love your illustration and when they came into stamps.. I'm super excited!! Both sets are so lovable. And yes please I want them all!

  7. Absolutely precious! I love the way that you positioned the boy and girl and that you included other faces that can peek around sides! I can think of so many ways to use these sets! Great job creating these! Is it Friday yet?????

  8. wow! What can I say???? They are fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. These are DARLING Elena!!! I'm a sucker for great sentiments - and you totally nailed it on these! LOVE!!!

  10. Ok. I have to be honest here, I love love lawn fawn. And I love their donut stamp. But this one is waaaay cuter! Im so buying this one! Your work is amazing Elena!♡♡♡♡♡♡

  11. These both are super cute! Love your designs!

  12. These are so adorable - I love the donut girl but I hate to separate her from the coffee boy! They're just perfect together! The fonts are gorgeous!

  13. I think both of these sets are marked as my new favorite ever! I LOVE that they feature boys! Great job!

  14. THAT CAKE!!! ha ha!! mmmmmm!!!! i LOVE both sets!! and i LOVE them together on your card!! you are a beautiful illustrator!!!

  15. Love both sets. You are so talented!

  16. These two new sets are defenitely on my NEED to have list! You made some great sample dor inspiration!

  17. I think the two sets are adorable!! I am in awe of folks who design stamps... such talent.

  18. You did a SUCH fab job with these!! (whatta cake BTW!)
    Can you imagine if we could really get our hands on donuts and coffee that size?!! : ) I love the girl hanging over the top, too... and your sentiments are terrific... congrats!!

  19. Very fun new sets! Love the donuts and thew cute sayings to go with them! Your card is adorable!

  20. I absolutely love these two new sets! When I saw the kids party last year, I was wondering when you would make the designs into stamps! Fabulous!

  21. Super cute! I just discovered you from Instagram and love your designs. Off to check out your Etsy store!

  22. mmmm donuts.... now i'm hungry!

  23. These are awesome!!! By the way that donut cake is awesome!

  24. They are ADORABLE! You're so talented! <3
    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  25. I LOVE both the stamp set, so cute... and love your card!!!

  26. I love both sets! Yes, they do go great together. Lovely coloring, too!

  27. Well congrats on designing
    these terrific stamp sets!
    Both are so cute and go
    together so well.
    Carla from Utah

  28. А stunning collection of stamps, I like a girl in a donut, so many different options of cards can be done. set very multifunctional. especially like that the children can be attached to a donut from different sides. and especially like the label - from all of us. I'd love to make a card with this set.

  29. Your collections are super adorable. I love that you designed them to be used together!

  30. Elena, being a donut addict and lover of all things cute, this stamp set couldn't be more perfect!!! And added together with the coffee set is a match made in heaven!

  31. So cuuuute, I love your designs Elena, I am your biggest fan in Hungary for sure :D I have your digis too, but having real stamps is so different, I agree. I cannot wait till all these beauties will be available for sale. Hugs from Budapest, Zsofi

  32. Your sets are fabulous and go so well together. The kids are adorable.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  33. Best doughnut, coffee card I saw ever.

  34. These sets are boh very cute, fun and playful. And -I am a donut lover.

  35. SUPER CUTE stamps sets Elena!!!
    CONGRATULATIONS on having your ideas transformed into INKY AWESOMENESS all over the world!!!
    LOVE how wonderfully these sets work together, perfect for FUN times all year long :)

  36. Seriously SO cute!!! Love how clever you are and how you have used these stamps to make something that made me smile!!

  37. Absolutely ADORABLE!!! By far my favorite of all the new release

  38. These stamp sets are both SO cute and adorable, I can't even pick a favorite! Love your illustrations, Elena! <3

  39. Your new sets are adorable. I love those donut children.

  40. Wow!!!! I love your new sets!!!! Adorable!!!! And your illustrations are absolutely stunning!

  41. Such an adorable and unique stamp set! You have showcased it fabulously! Congrats!

  42. They are darling! I love them!

  43. I just discovered your blog and this stamp company. Love them! I'm excited to read through your older posts. This donut set is adorable!

  44. adorable! love the huge coffee cup and the donut cake above is fab :) as well as the stamps...the big images make the sets even more cute!

  45. These are such cute sets - love the way you've used them together!

  46. Love these sets! You're amazing!
