No need for a backdrop when you have a whole chalkboard wall in your home. I wrote all kinds of burger toppings on the board, and called it a day.
Now, time to get all up in our grill.
One recipe of vanilla cake, and one recipe of chocolate cake, cut down to look like a big mac. I found spearmint gummy leaves that I rolled out to look more like lettuce, and left them hanging out of the burger. Red icing for ketchup, yellow for mustard, and a plain buttercream for the mayo.
Marlyn (of Montreal Confections) made amazing goodies for our party. Including the "7" that I added to the top of the cake, and these burger pinatas:

The kids picked them up, shook them around, and loved them. Inside, a little tongue and cheek when they found gummy worms.

My absolute favorite thing that Marlyn created were the grill toppers for my cupcakes:

They are amazing! I added mini gummy kebabs and some hot tamale "franks" to the tops.

mmm.... gummy kebabs...

Marlyn has a video up on her youtube channel, for how to create these grill toppers.

Using printables I found online, I added flame toppers to these cut-up brownies... I was hoping they'd look like coals, with red flames... the jury's still out, but they were yummy!
I made a few party favors to hand out. One, at the beginning of the party, and the other at the end.

I don't really know what's going on with Sofia, but keep yours eyes on the boys, hee hee. I stenciled hamburger tshirts for everyone to wear at the party, and gave them mason jars full of candy to take home.

Stick a fork in me, I'm almost done. One more party weekend to go...
